Terms & Conditions - skaulr
Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

 1. Overview 

1.1  Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) and any applicable Additional Terms before using the Site or the Services. By using the Site or the Services, you hereby represent, warrant, understand, agree to and accept these Terms and any applicable Additional Terms in their entirety whether or not you register as a user of the Site or Services (“User(s)”).

1.2 These Terms include the skaulr Privacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference herein. If you object to anything in these Terms, the Privacy Policy or any applicable Additional Terms, do not use the Site or the Services.

1.3 skaulr reserves the right to modify at any time these Terms by posting a new version on the Site.

1.4 For purposes of these Terms, and except to the extent expressly excluded below, the “Site” shall mean https://www.skaulr.com/ and any other websites, web pages, mobile applications and mobile websites operated by KAULR FZ LLE (including its affiliate Fineskills India Pvt Ltd and any other entities controlling, controlled by or under common control with KAULR FZ LLE) (“skaulr” or “we”), and the “Services” shall mean any of the various services that skaulr provides through the Site or any other channels, including without limitation, over the telephone. The “Site” and “Services” also include certain sites and services offered through https://www.skaulr.com/

2. About our Services

2.1 The Site provides (Articles, Videos, Audio & Images) from high-quality publishers from around the world that can be freely accessed in its ‘LEARN’ and ‘INTERESTS’ sections.

2.2 Through its ‘SKILLS’ section, the Site aims to connect students and teachers in a marketplace model to enable skill enhancement. The Site allows the creation of (delivers educational services on skaulr) profiles for skill enhancement courses to be offered and purchased

2.3 The Site provides a directory of Teachers offering Courses from which Students may choose and book according to their convenience and preference

2.4 The Site enables Users to communicate and share information with other Users who share a common interest or connection

2.5 Our Services continue to grow and change. Please refer to our Site for further information about the Services we provide

3. Registration, access, and termination

3.1 Registration for the Services is through the Site. Data and information that you provide must be accurate and consistent with reality. We reserve the right to refuse a registration if these Terms are not met.

3.2 After registration, the User will have access to their account with the email address they provided and their password. Any User who has lost their password will have the ability to request a new password via the Site

3.3 The User and / or skaulr may terminate their contract and / or terminate the User registration at any time, without having to provide a justification for such termination

3.4 Any cancellation will be via the contact form on the Site or by e-mail sent to contact@skaulr.com

3.5 We reserve the right to terminate the registration of a User who has violated any of these Terms


4. Terms for Teachers

4.1 Only those deemed to be adults may post a Course on skaulr

4.2 The Teacher’s relationship with skaulr is that of an independent contractor, and nothing in these Terms or any other agreement is intended to create a partnership, agency, employment, or similar relationship between Teachers and skaulr. Teachers are solely responsible for all tax returns and payments required to be filed with, or made to, any state or local tax authority with respect to compensation from Students and / or Parents

4.3 Teachers are not authorized to make any representation, contract, or commitment on skaulr’s behalf unless specifically requested or authorized by us in writing to do so

4.4 skaulr may order and use background screenings to verify personal information for the purpose of protecting the safety and integrity of our Site and Users

4.5 skaulr may conduct verification checks against Teachers and take such action in response thereto as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion, including without limitation suspending and/or terminating registration, should it determine that any representation or warranty or any other provision of these Terms has been violated or the User is otherwise unsuitable to access the Site

4.6 Course Creation

  • After signing up, the Teacher shall have access to their account. They may at any time choose to edit their profile (except certain non-modifiable fields populated with information supplied at the time of registration), create, and manage their classes and courses they offer on the Site
  • The publication of the Courses is free of charge
  • Teachers are solely responsible for any Content that they post on the Site or transmit to other users of the Site. Teachers may not post on the Site, or transmit to other users, any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, defamatory, racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another party’s rights (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights, and rights of privacy and publicity), or advocate, promote or assist any unlawful act such as (by way of example only) copyright infringement or computer misuse, or give the impression that any Content emanates from skaulr where this is not the case. You will not provide inaccurate, misleading, defamatory or false information to skaulr or to any other user of the Site, and all opinions stated as part of Content must be genuinely held. Without limiting the foregoing, you represent and warrant to us that you have the right and authority to post all information you post about yourself or others, including without limitation that you have authorization from a parent or guardian of any minor who is the subject of any Content you post to post such Content.
  • If deemed necessary, skaulr reserves the right to review, edit and delete any Content or profile, in whole or in part, that in the sole judgment of skaulr violates these Terms or which skaulr determines in its sole discretion might be offensive, illegal, or that might violate the rights, harm, or threaten the safety of users of the Site or others.
  • The use of our Services, including but not limited to the Content posted on the Site, must be in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Unless otherwise permitted by skaulr, all Content posted will be in English as the Site and Services generally are not supported in any other languages at present
  • Courses cannot, in their description, include elements to find the contact details of the author without using skaulr.com
  • skaulr reserves the right to modify, delete or ask the author to change the published Courses in question; the Teacher shall not be entitled to compensation from skaulr in any such case. They will have to change their published Courses to allow their publication on the Site

4.7 Payments for Course

  • skaulr provides a simplified payment processing service to its Users, meaning that payments distributed to Teachers originate from their students, with skaulr deducting a flat 20% commission for use of its Site and Services. Use of skaulr is otherwise completely free for the Teachers
  • In addition to the above, skaulr will deduct taxes as applicable locally before releasing payment to Teachers. Teachers should therefore ensure they price their courses accordingly (inclusive of taxes)
  • skaulr offers Teachers a layer of protection in the collection of their funds but, if in any case skaulr becomes unable to collect your payment from the Student or Parent on behalf of the Student, skaulr cannot guarantee that your payment will be successfully collected, processed, and distributed to you and skaulr shall not be held liable for any such non-payment
  • skaulr has created a virtual currency ‘skash’ which is used within the Site. Teachers will list their courses and price them in ‘skash’. The students will use their ‘skash’ deposits to purchase courses through the Site. ‘skash’ will accumulate in the Teacher’s account and will be thereafter paid to the Teacher in the manner described below.
  • 1 ‘skash’ is equal to 1 INR (One Indian Rupee).
  • If all the conditions for guaranteeing receipt of payment for student lessons are met, Teachers can expect to receive their funds according to the process outlined herein. If there are questions about any of the conditions, payments may be delayed while skaulr attempts to resolve the questions
  • When a Student or Parent on behalf of the Student pays online for a lesson, skaulr will pay the teacher the amount of the lesson, after deduction of 20% commission. Our secure payment system supports several payout methods, which can be configured in the Teacher’s account page. Available payout options differ by country.
  • Teacher has the option to receive payment either to his/her designated bank or PayPal account. Funds will be released to the Teacher’s payout around two weeks after the lesson delivery and completion. Funds are paid out on the 1st and 15th of every month (‘Payment Day’). If the payment day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Bank Holiday, the payment will be released the next business day.
  • The time between the funds being released by skaulr and made available to the Teacher will vary on a case-by-case basis and is controlled by the Teacher’s payout bank or PayPal, not by skaulr
  • . Changing the default Course pricing will only affect students who book the Course after the time the change is made. Please keep in mind that skaulr will deduct a 20% commission and taxes applicable locally before releasing payments to Teachers
  • The payment processing services on skaulr are provided by Stripe and are subject to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Terms of Service (collectively, the “Stripe Services Agreement”). By agreeing to these Terms, Teachers, Students and Parents that use the payment service also agree to be bound by the Stripe Services Agreement, as the same may be modified by Stripe from time to time. As a condition of skaulr enabling payment processing services through Stripe, you agree to provide skaulr accurate and complete information about you, and you authorize skaulr to share it and transaction information related to your use of the payment processing services provided by Stripe
  • Any discrepancies related to the payment process must be brought to the notice of skaulr within 24 hours of the payment being received. skaulr will work with Stripe to resolve the issue in a timely and mutually acceptable manner, but has final discretion in all disputes                                              

 4.8 Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • Courses once booked, cannot be cancelled or refunded.
  • If the Teacher cancels an order, the Student will receive a full refund of their payment including all fees for the unused lesson.
  • If there is a complaint from either party, notice must be given to skaulr within 24 hours of the session completion/Course booking. Skaulr will mediate where necessary, and has final discretion to resolve all disputes

4.9 Limitation of liability and Disputes between Users

  • skaulr offers a marketplace to connect those seeking teaching services with those seeking to provide teaching services. As independent contractors, Teachers control the methods, materials, and all aspects of the Course being offered
  • The Teacher agrees that if any dispute arises concerning the Courses or booking, skaulr will make a resolution and each party will be bound by such resolution. skaulr is authorized to collect payments from either party (where possible) to give effect to such resolution
  • Both parties authorize skaulr to deal with the dispute or complaint as it sees fit and agree to abide by any decisions they may make in such circumstances, including requiring refunds to be made or compensation
  • skaulr’s liability to you for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount paid, if any, by the Student or Parent on behalf of the Student to skaulr
  • Teacher’s liability for all losses will be limited to the price of the Course in dispute, up to a maximum of INR5000 (Indian Rupee five thousand only).

5. Terms for Students & Parents

5.1 The Services of the Site are exclusively reserved for K12 students in grades 6 through 12

5.2 Use of the Site and Services as a Student is limited to individuals and for their own personal use

5.3 Students are free to use skaulr as much or as little as they wish

5.4 Students and their Parents agree to maintain valid payment information in their skaulr account for the duration of their registration to ensure that teachers receive their payment for Courses booked through skaulr

5.5 Course price is agreed to at the time of booking on the Site. Course prices may vary by Teachers and Course type

5.6 Parents have full visibility of Courses booked by their children and access to complete transaction history through the dedicated ‘skash’ virtual wallet

5.7 Parents are solely responsible to ensure Student ‘skash’ wallets are topped up as required for Courses to be booked

5.8 skaulr will send you notifications and alerts for various events on the Site, including

5.9 Content and Courses on skaulr are protected by copyright and may not be copied, transcribed, translated, transmitted, or otherwise distributed by any means

5.10 Live Classroom sessions may not be recorded or transcribed, unless provided by skaulr as part of its platform feature


6. Guarantee limitation

6.1 skaulr makes every effort to control the quality of Content on the Site, the veracity of tutor qualifications, and their availability, but cannot under any circumstances guarantee it. skaulr is not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any Student, Parent, Teacher, or other user of the Site or Services. Moreover, skaulr does not assume and expressly disclaims any liability that may result from the use of information provided on our Site.

6.2 All users, including both Students, Parents and Teachers, hereby expressly agree not to hold skaulr (or skaulr’s officers, directors, shareholders, employees, subsidiaries, other affiliates, successors, assignees, agents, representatives, advertisers, marketing partners, licensors, independent contractors, recruiters, corporate partners or resellers, or your school, if you enrolled on skaulr through your school, hereinafter “Affiliates”) liable for the actions or inactions of any Student, Parent, Teacher or other third party or for any information, instruction, advice or services which originated through the Site, and, skaulr and its Affiliates expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any damage, suits, claims, and/or controversies that have arisen or may arise, whether known or unknown therefrom

6.3 Telecommunication costs to access the Site are the sole responsibility of the User

6.4 We do not guarantee that the operation of our services is continuous, fast, fully secure or without minor bugs

6.5 skaulr shall not be held responsible for the loss of information, interruption, or malfunction of the Site or Services, and shall not be held liable for false statements and prejudices resulting therefrom

6.6 All other warranties, express or implied, are excluded


7. Applicable law

If you are a User (Student, Parent, Teacher) receiving or providing services on skaulr and are located in India, these Terms are governed by the laws of India, without reference to its choice or conflicts of law principles, and the parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts in Delhi, India to settle any dispute arising from or connected with these Terms.

If you are a User (Student, Parent, Teacher) receiving or providing services on skaulr located in a geographical region other than India, these Terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the Dubai International Financial Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (“DIFC Courts”) to settle any dispute arising from or connected with these Terms.

8. Email Support

skaulr’s dedicated customer support service can be reached through contact@skaulr.com for any assistance

9. Privacy Policy

skaulr uses the information you provide on the Site or via the Services in accordance with our Privacy Policy. For more information, see our full Privacy Policy, the terms of which are incorporated herein

10. Links to external sites

10.1 Links from the Site to external sites (including external sites that are framed by The Teacher Marketplace) or inclusion of advertisements and other third-party content do not constitute an endorsement by skaulr of such sites or the content, products, advertising, and other materials presented on such sites or of the products and services that are the subject of such third-party content, but are for Users’ reference and convenience

10.2 Users access such external sites at their own risk. It is the responsibility of the User to evaluate the content and usefulness of the information obtained from other sites. skaulr does not control such sites, and is not responsible for their content

10.3 Users further acknowledge that use of any site or content controlled, owned or operated by third parties is governed by the terms and conditions of use for those sites, and not by skaulr’s Terms and Privacy Policy. skaulr expressly disclaims any liability derived from the use and/or viewing of links that may appear on this Site. All Users hereby agree to hold skaulr harmless from any liability that may result from the use of links that may appear on the Site